Get Started on Kooth (Check Map Below First)

Something on your mind?
Free Online Chat with our Counsellors

Free Support for 11-18 Year Olds

We are a free service, available to children and young people from
age 11 up to 25 in specific areas throughout the country. Check we are commissioned and available in your area by clicking on the interactive map. Areas in orange have access to Kooth. 

Written by Young People

Reinforce Your Unique Selling Proposition

Kooth is an anonymous online community of young people finding
their way to better mental health.

Kooth has hundreds of helpful articles, written by us and contributed by our community. You can send us your story, which may be helpful for others in a similar situation. Or use our online tools to track your  mood or create your goals. You can also join a live moderated discussion forum.

Kooth is Free, Safe & Anonymous

You are anonymous on Kooth so have the freedom to talk about anything you’re struggling with, from worries about knife crime or gangs, to drugs, self-harm, relationships, anxiety and depression.

Experienced and friendly counsellors are available for one to one online chats from mid-day until 10pm in the week and from 6pm until 10pm at weekends.

Talk to real Counsellors

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Live Counselling
Web Chat with Counsellors

Something on your mind?

Kooth is an anonymous online community of young people finding their way to better mental health.

Free Online Chat with one of our Counsellors

Get Started on Kooth

Kooth has hundreds of helpful articles, written by us and contributed by our community. You can send us your story, which may be helpful for others in a similar situation. Or use our online tools to track your  mood or create your goals. You can also join a live moderated discussion forum.

Free, Safe & Anonymous

Talk to Real Counsellors

You are anonymous on Kooth so have the freedom to talk about anything you’re struggling with, from worries about knife crime or gangs, to drugs, self-harm, relationships, anxiety and depression.

Experienced and friendly counsellors are available for one to one online chats from mid-day until 10pm in the week and from 6pm until 10pm at weekends.

Get Started

Pinch to Explore Map

We are a free service, available to children and young people from age 11 up to 25 in specific areas throughout the country. Check we are commissioned and available in your area by clicking on this map. If we're not in your area, and you need help, alternative support can be reach through the #KnifeFree page or via this link

You're Not Alone

Join over 100,000 young people just like you in our free, safe and supportive online platform.

Get Started on Kooth

If we’re not in your area, alternative support can be reached through the #KnifeFree page or via this link

Your life may be shrouded in trouble and strife,
So "for your own protection" you carry a knife.
You don’t see the trouble lying ahead,
When more young people are ending up dead.
We all want a future with less fear on the streets,
Be part of the solution before history repeats.

If you carry, or are considering
carrying, a knife:

  • Think about your motivations. Consider what you could lose if caught with a weapon.
  • Speak to someone you trust.
  • Talk to Kooth: our counsellors are fully trained and here to help you. Kooth services are available from 12pm to 10pm during the week, and from 6-10 on Saturday and Sunday .
  • Remember, you have a choice.

If you are concerned a friend is involved in knife crime:

  • Think about the situation: could confronting them make things worse?
  • Bring all your concerns to a trusted adult; together, you can decide the best course of action. If you’re worried you could potentially lose a friendship, remember the
    alternatives could be tragic.
  • Spend time with them playing sports, video games, listening to music, watching shows, going to youth clubs.
  • Prepare your thoughts and take time to explain not only the dangers of carrying a knife, but also that you are there to help them as a friend who cares.
    If this is something that continues to be a problem it may be time to distance yourself
    for your own safety.

Some Symptoms of Trauma can Include:

Psychological symptoms
● Shock, denial, or disbelief
● Confusion, difficulty concentrating
● Anger, irritability, mood swings
● Anxiety and fear
● Guilt, shame, self-blame
● Withdrawing from others
● Feeling sad or hopeless
● Feeling disconnected or numb

Physical symptoms:
● Insomnia or nightmares
● Fatigue
● Being startled easily
● Difficulty concentrating
● Racing heartbeat
● Edginess and agitation
● Aches and pains
● Muscle tension

Some Events that can cause trauma:
● death of family member, lover, friend, teacher, or pet
● divorce
● physical pain or injury (e.g. severe car accident, violent crime)
● serious illness
● war
● natural disasters
● terrorism
● moving to a new location
● parental abandonment
● witnessing a death
● Being assaulted
● Being involved in crime
● domestic abuse
● Being in prison

Everyone is agitating,
Having difficulty concentrating,
I’m feeling depressed,
With this tightness in my chest,
I just want help with this feeling,
I’m ready to start healing.

Trauma can stem from lots of things and can affect people in many different ways

Things that help trauma are:

● Talking to someone you trust
● Talking to a professional, such as a doctor or counsellor
● Sharing your story on Kooth to get help from professionals and other young people in a safe
and supportive environment.

A   R   T   I   C   L   E
Staying _#KnifeFree

A   R   T   I   C   L   E
Dealing With Trauma

Read our #KnifeFree ArticleWatch Video

*Check Map Below for Coverage First

A  R  T  I  C  L  E

Staying _#KnifeFree

Your life may be shrouded in trouble and strife,
So "for your own protection" you carry a knife.
You don’t see the trouble lying ahead,
When more young people are ending up dead.
We all want a future with less fear on the streets, 
Be part of the solution before history repeats.

If you carry, or are considering carrying, a knife:

  • Think about your motivations. Consider what you could lose if caught with a weapon.
  • Speak to someone you trust.
  • Talk to Kooth: our counsellors are fully trained and here to help you. Kooth services are available from 12pm to 10pm during the week, and from 6-10 on Saturday and Sunday
  • Remember, you have a choice.

If you are concerned a friend is involved in knife crime:

  • Think about the situation: could confronting them make things worse?
  • Bring all your concerns to a trusted adult; together, you can decide the best course of action. If you’re worried you could potentially lose a friendship, remember the
    alternatives could be tragic.
  • Spend time with them playing sports, video games, listening to music, watching shows, going to youth clubs.
  • Prepare your thoughts and take time to explain not only the dangers of carrying a knife, but also that you are there to help them as a friend who cares.
    If this is something that continues to be a problem it may be time to distance yourself
    for your own safety.

A  R  T  I  C  L  E

Dealing with Trauma

Everyone is agitating,
Having difficulty concentrating, 
I’m feeling depressed,
With this tightness in my chest, 
I just want help with this feeling,
I’m ready to start healing.

Trauma can stem from alot of things, and it can affect people in different ways.

Some Events that can cause trauma:
● death of family member, lover, friend, teacher, or pet

● divorce
● physical pain or injury (e.g. severe car accident, violent crime)
● serious illness
● war
● natural disasters
● terrorism
● moving to a new location
● parental abandonment
● witnessing a death
● Being assaulted
● Being involved in crime
● domestic abuse
● Being in prison

Some Symptoms of Trauma can Include:

Psychological symptoms
● Shock, denial, or disbelief
● Confusion, difficulty concentrating
● Anger, irritability, mood swings
● Anxiety and fear
● Guilt, shame, self-blame
● Withdrawing from others
● Feeling sad or hopeless
● Feeling disconnected or numb

Physical symptoms:

● Insomnia or nightmares
● Fatigue
● Being startled easily
● Difficulty concentrating
● Racing heartbeat
● Edginess and agitation
● Aches and pains
● Muscle tension

Things that help trauma are:

● Talking to someone you trust
● Talking to a professional, such as a doctor or counsellor
● Sharing your story on Kooth to get help from professionals and other young people in a safe and supportive environment.